Project Hygiene Closet
The mission of the Project Hygiene Closet Program is to provide youth with new and unused toiletries and offer two bullying prevention programs throughout the 2024 - 2025 school year. It is our mission to help students feel good about themselves on the inside and outside. Poor Hygiene affects self-esteem, and we want to do our part to uplift students, combat bullying, and provide a safe space for students to receive toiletries.
We provide items such as lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, soap, deodorant, sanitary napkins, pocket tissue, and hand sanitizer. Having closets located at schools gives students direct access and allows them to receive the basic essentials that many may not have access to otherwise.
Each school will also receive two Project Hygiene Bullying Prevention Workshops specifically during Bullying Prevention month in October and another Spring Workshop in April.
We request that schools give an accurate account of how many students are enrolled and that counselors and teachers provide feedback to Project Hygiene as to what they are seeing as current needs at their school and with their students. Each school will receive an anonymous survey once the closet program is set up.
Any child who is enrolled at your school from the ages of 10-18. The program is closed to the public.
Who is eligible?
Partnering Schools
To receive a Project Hygiene Closet Program Proposal, email us at, or call us at 703-261-4892.
Fill out for more information ----> Request Closet Program
Grenada Middle School (MS)
Gunston Middle School (VA)
Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School (MD)
Savoy Elementary School - (DC)
Whitney Houston Academy - (NJ)
Washington High School - (MD)
Our current partnering schools for the 2024 - 2025 school year.
Célébrez la Femme
The Donation Timeline
Project Hygiene launched it's first Closet at Gholson Middle School in Landover, MD on October 6th, 2021.
We work with schools to have a dedicated closet, cabinet or locker at each partnering school. We will provide each school with toiletries throughout the 2024 -2025 school year.
We will allocate 500 - 1500 toiletries per visit and depending on the school size.